Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Art Fair in Ann Arbor

I want to apologize to everyone following my blog - I haven't been keeping it up very well lately. Partly due to life getting in the way, partly due to work getting in the way and partly due to my camera just flat out stopping. Arrrgghhhh! I really wanted to take some pictures of what I have been working on lately, but that will have to wait until next week.

This week I will be at the Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair! It is 4 days long and runs Wednesday- Saturday. Over 1,000 artists will be there in 4 different fairs so, if you are an art lover it is well worth coming. Several people make it a mini vacation so they can cover as much as possible.

I have some new goodies that I think will just fly out of the booth, so be sure to shop early! My booth is on Main Street #D157. Stop by and say 'hi' if you are at the show!

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