Thursday, April 30, 2009

T Shirt Round Robin Challenge

Occasionally I get involved with group round robins. A subject is decided upon and we pass each item to the next person after adding a technique. I have done dolls, purses, cloth, clothing and now T Shirts. This one is from the Yahoo online group, Complex Cloth. In this challenge we each bought 100% cotton T shirts and did the first layer of design. This more or less sets some perimeters for the colors that we like to wear. I am across the board in colors I wear, but if push comes to shove I tend toward the purples and blues. Here is the t shirt I sent. I fan folded the shirt on the diagonal, rolled it like a cinnamon bun and painted blue dye on top and purple dye on the bottom. Since 6 more people have to work on it, I wanted to leave plenty of room for others to add their own touch. It will be exciting to see what it looks like when
it comes back.

The tshirt I received came with it's first layer already done. A nice and sunny piece to work on for a spring with very strange weather (we go from 80 degree sunny summer one day to 50 degree cold and wet the next and back again). But I felt I could add some red to jazz it up a bit. So, I did the same folding as above, but instead of using 2 different colors I only used a red. Again, there will be 5 more people working on this piece after me, so I wanted to leave room for options so it will be quite interesting to see where it goes...

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