Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday Tip - Dyeing

Once you begin dyeing it in inevitable that someone will either ask you to teach or donate your time to a group. I have done both over the years. I like to arrive with the dyes pre-mixed (with no soda ash). It took me many times of having the dye jars leak in transit before I found the perfect container:

Water bottles.

Finally a good use for these throw aways! I mix up 500 ml of dye at a time and put them in 700 ml bottles. Knock on wood, haven't had one leak, yet! I mix up my soda ash in 3X the strength and carry it in strong gallon containers (I have heard stories of milk containers leaking - so I like old juice containers). I carry everything in old, clean kitty litter containers. When I arrive it doesn't take long to put the dyes out, add one of the gallon containers of soda ash to the kitty bucket + 2 more gallons of water and start the fun!

1 comment:

Weavermom said...

The first time that I saw the water bottles with the flip lids I knew that I had found the perfect thing for dyeing. I find though that the kind where you pull the top up is better because you can control the flow when "painting" the warp. I also agree with you about the litter buckets. I have saved so many of those, they really come in handy and stack up so nicely. At least those cats contribute something.