Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Tip - Stamping

Occasionally I enjoy stretching my creative muscles and delving into other art nedia's. I especially enjoy mixed media creations utilizing paper, beads, found objects...and of course stamps. Problem is, I don't do this as often as I would like and sometimes I go to use my (rather pricey) stamp pads and they are dry! One of the best ways I have found to keep stamp pads is to store them upside down in a plastic bag. This keeps them fresher longer and raises my chances of being able to use them when I want.


Weavermom said...

Good hint for storing the stamp pads. I have been wanting to stamp on material to make lining for purses. What kind of ink/paint do I need?

Debbi said...

There are inks made for fabric stamping. I usually use activated, thickened dye that I paint on the stamp with a foam brush. I like the hand better.